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Goodall Brazier implements Illumini across all of it's brands

Goodall Brazier secures there revenue using Illumini's backdoor hire detection software. Integrating across 11 different CRMs to pull all results into one place.

Industry: Construction & Engineering

Location: UK, USA

Company size: 60+ Employees 

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“The product has been incredibly easy to use, especially with the new plug in straight to our CRM. The results have been better than we could have ever expected, saving so much time in our day with an instant return on investment."

Piers Backhouse | Head of Business Analytics



Goodall Brazier is a collection of brands operating within Construction, Engineering. Goodall Brazier operates globally, with clients in more than 60 countries, holding particularly strong presence in the UK and USA.

❌ Before 

Goodall Brazier were aware backdoor hires would occur, often speaking to candidates later down the line and finding out by chance that a breach had occurred. This knowledge that they had a problem, with no way to reliably measure or track this with accuracy, meant Goodall Brazier were a strong fit for our services.

✅ After 

Goodall Brazier implemented Illumini to reliably check every month for backdoor hires, which would then immediately be followed up by the internal customer care team.

▶️ Rollout 

1. Illumini performed the first search, cross referencing all of their CV sends and identifying all candidates who had begun work with no placement on record for the introduction they had made.

2. Goodall Brazier uses their existing channels to reclaim backdoor hires, with a higher volume of cases raised by Illumini, eliminating all manual checks and allowing them to detect backdoors atan earlier time.

3. Goodall Brazier has been Illumini's longest standing client, delivering fantastic ROI over the long term.

🗯️ Quotes 

“The product has been incredibly easy to use, especially with the new plug in straight to our CRM. The results have been better than we could have ever expected, saving so much time in our day with an instant return on investment.


A lot of praise has to go to Ben and the team, it has been a gamechanger for us.”


Piers Backhouse | Head of Business Analytics

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